Sunday, May 29, 2011

What would you do if....

What would you do if a person you were looking at or talking to, suddenly disappeared and just left their belongings right there where they were sitting?

You would probably panic, start calling out their name loudly and try to find them, start thinking you are crazy and that you were just talking to yourself the whole time. Or if you have heard of the rapture or have read about it, you would know that they were taken up to be with the Lord.
To make sure this doesn't happen to you and that you aren't left behind, you need to get saved and accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior! Please view my earlier post: Five Things to Know

What do you think a person would do if YOU disappeared right in front of their eyes?

They would probably also panic. To make sure this doesn't happen to them, witness to them and share the gospel! If they're stubborn and don't want to listen to you, just pray for them, be kind, and have faith in God that He will soften their hearts. But it's our mission to share the Gospel, fellow Christian. We should give our best for our Master!

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